Wednesday, September 15, 2010

this is what i want to talk about today.
it's been a few months since i wrote on here but maybe i'll get another boost
of motivation to keep up on this whole blogging deal.
anyways where were we? oh ya, sleep.
k, so i'm into my freshman year of college now about 3 weeks so far. and sleep is the one thing that us college students have totally mixed up. let me give you a few scenarios for example:
scenario 1: "wow, i was up until 3 this morning watching movies with my buddies! i'm so tired but it was so fun!" [Lucky!!!!]
scenario 2: "today after i was done at the library i went home and took a 3 hour nap! it was great!" [wow! Luh-cky!!!!!]
scenario 3: "today my professor put on a movie so i just got to sleep all of class" [daaang, that is SO lucky!!!!]
when exactly are we supposed to sleep? Its awesome that we did NOT sleep when we were supposed to, and even cooler when we sleep when we're NOT exactly supposed to. I'm guilty of it, your guilty of it..
this whole sleep-deprivation life is starting to catch up with me... maybe that's why i'm writing about it.. maybe in a few days i'll wonder why the heck i just wrote all this jibberish about luck and sleep and libraries on my blog. but for now, i feel accomplished (: and imma take ma nap now!

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