Sunday, April 4, 2010


still being in high school, I was sitting in my English 1010 class on Friday, business was business.. I was doing my silly warm-ups (a combination of correcting grammatically-disfunctioned sentences and analogies with words too big I can't even pronounce- obviously this is not my forte in English) One of our school counselors came in with a "Senior Update." This is a little doo-dad where they come in and give us packets that tell us when our due dates are that we need to have our money turned in by. And by money, I mean checks written out to the high school for hundreds of dollars so that we can get that little slip of paper on June 4th that says "I worked my butt off, sucked up to teachers, made sure I was in class half the time, and PAID my school so that I can graduate now." Ridiculous, right? ANYWAY, as the counselor blabbered on and I felt like our classroom had been turned into a Charlie Brown episode where all the students hear is "wa, wha, wa, wha, wha wa..." And I started thinking about these expecatations I have on my shoulders.
The enormous amounts of pressure we take on ourselves as Seniors in high school are so insane it makes me start to understand why kids turn to drugs and alcohol for relief..
Personally.. I took my ACT, I get decent grades, I got myself a 2-year full ride tuition and fees scholarship to one of the best Universities within driving range from my mom, and now i'm working 2 part time jobs... and yet, I'm not even close to being as overwhelmed as all the kids who play 50 sports, 2 trombones, and are graduating with their associates.
Sometimes I wish they took high school back to the "Grease" days. Where we actually had time to go to the Drive-Ins, watch drag races and I had time to meet studs like John Travolta at the beach.
With all of that said.. parents think we have it easy... ugh.. please tell me it does not go downhill from here. and yet, inside I know it does. :/

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