Friday, December 17, 2010

Day 14 of Blog Challenge: someone I can't imagine living without

My Sisters!!
I could n e v e r imagine living with out these amazing little sisters of mine!
Heather is the youngest and she is all sunshine! She brightens everyone's day with her adorable smile that never leaves her face, she is an amazing example to me of being happy and optimistic.
Macie is the second to youngest. Macie is a true friend, she is very content with life and doesn't need all the flashy things that most kids need to have fun. She is someone who listens and has a very strong spirit.
Becca is the helper of the family and Jazz fanatic, she will help anyone with everything and anything at the drop of a hat. She is a clean freak and very dedicated to her school work.
Jen is the girly girl for sure, she loves dancing and singing - and is great at it too. She loves shopping and facebook, I think if the world were to do away with either of those she'd be beside herself as to what to do with her free time!
These girls are all so different but we're all best friends and always will be!

1 comment:

  1. CUTE :) I want to meet your sisters!! We should have a giant girl party, eh? I'll bring all mine and you can bring all yours!
